

2013年11月22日11:45 | 中國發展門戶網 www.chinagate.cn | 給編輯寫信 字號:T|T
關鍵詞: 中國(海南)改革研究院 中改院 外交部 劉勁松 國家安全委員會 國安會  十八屆三中全會 十八屆 三中全會

11月21日,中國(海南)改革研究院在京舉行“改革新起點、新突破——中改院改革形勢分析會”。圖為原國家體改委副主任、中國經濟體制改革研究會名譽會長高尚全發言。(沈小敏 攝)

A policy seminar entitled “SStarting Points and Breakthroughs in China’s Reforms” was held by one of China’s reform think tanks – the China Institute for Reform and Development in Beijing, on Oct. 21. Gao Shangquan, Former Vice-minister of the State Commission for Restructuring  the Economy and Honorary President of China Society of Economic Reform speaks at the seminar. [Photo taken by Shen Xiaomin]

中國網/中國發展門戶網2013年11月22日訊 (記者 王振紅) 黨的十八屆三中全會是改革進入深水區、攻堅期召開的一次“關鍵性會議”,全會公報和《決定》勾畫了中國未來的改革方向及路線圖。11月21日,中國(海南)改革研究院在京舉行“改革新起點、新突破”分析會。眾多專家學者齊聚一堂,對未來中國的改革形勢進行了深入分析。

The Third Plenary Session of the 18thCPC Central Committee is a key meeting for China to deepen reform for long-term, sustainable and sound economic growth and social progress. The policy document, published by the CPC Central Committee, with the title "decision on major issues concerning comprehensively deepening reforms" charts a roadmap for China’s future reform. A policy seminar titled “Searching for New Opportunities amid Reforms of China” was held by one of China’s reform think tanks – the China Institute for Reform and Development in Beijing,onOct. 21. Experts and scholars gathered there and shared their in-depth analysis on China’s future reform. [China.org.cn / chinagate.cn by Wang Zhenhong. Translated by Zhang Yunyun]

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